Power of Plants: Pollinators
Learn facts about Pollinators and additional resources from Philanthrolab Science Shop to support your child's endless imaginative play and explorations about plant and insect relationships.
Power of Plants: Trees
Learn the fun facts about trees and craft up a learning tool differentiated for young or older learners using tree cookies.
Hip Habitats: The Tundra
Learn about the frigid facts about the Tundra and the fun facts about Lichen, make a living Lichen collage.
Hip Habitats: Temperate Deciduous Forest
Learn all about the four-season forest, the Temperate Deciduous Forest and about an egg layer that has taken over this ecosystem.
Hip Habitats: The Ocean
The Ocean ecosystem includes everything in the oceans, including saltwater shorelines and salt marshes are all considered part of the oceans. Hom...
Out of this World: The Moon
Read all about our Moon. From fun facts to how to make a Moon Phase Slider.